Nike+ Coaching Plan

My job is killing me. Not in any dramatic way like radiation or asbestos or flaming ceiling tiles, but rather slowly by inactivity. Not that the people at WMU don’t care, they do, encouraging us on a 10k steps a day competition but frankly some of us Morlocks don’t have the time to spend walking about. It’s this idleness, this physical idleness that is making us sick.

I’ve been kicking around for a while that I should start to run. Everyone else is hitting the gym and bettering themselves, why can I do it too? No reason! So I decided that sooner rather than later would be a smashing good time to start training.

The Nike+ GPS app and the Nike+ site, for free, enable anyone with an iPhone to pick up a coaching program. The one I selected was walk-to-run 12 week program. Get started gradually and work myself up to running. I don’t want to compete, I don’t want to run marathons. I just want to drop all this extra weight.

Why not join a gym? Gyms are expensive, socially awkward, and usually frustrating. Waiting for a machine to open up can be an epic pain in the ass. This way the entire outdoors is my gym and technically I can exercise anytime I like, even in the rain. There is no excuse to not walk/run, since I can do it anywhere I am whenever I want and it doesn’t cost me one red cent.

So I will be blogging as I experience this adventure. Not during the actual huffnpuff, but likely right afterwards. Currently I look and feel like a tub of lard that is flopping along wildly. Hopefully with some willpower I can lose this weight, feel better, and maybe run without flopping over like a fish out of water. So keep your eyes peeled as I begin this adventure. 🙂

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