Blogo Test

One of the biggest headaches with my WordPress blog is remembering to write new posts with any frequency. It sometimes comes down to a test of many editors, which one do I like, and how smooth is the learning curve to upload my story to my blog post? Email is a pain, mostly because the instrumentation to add all the extra bits is rather annoying and I don’t really want to revisit and markup a blog entry after I’ve written it. Then after that, I looked at BBEdit, which is the big-brother to TextWrangler. The folks who wrote that application provided a free trial of BBEdit, and gamely informed me that TextWrangler was a dead duck. I never really got engaged with BBEdit enough to think of it as a source for blogging, and TextWrangler is still pretty good for what I need.

Since I’ve had this blog for a long while, and I feel a little bad about neglecting it, perhaps it’s time to dust off the old blogging tools and hop back into it. Facebook is the Walmart of Social Media, it’s everywhere you look, but you feel dirty using it because you know every time you walk in you’re being measured and indexed and categorized.

Facebook, like Walmart, brings a ready audience to the party, people who are happy enough to just waddle through and notice what you have to write and maybe drop a like down. Blogging has always been longer-form than Facebook, and way longer than Twitter. Plus since I host my own blog on my own domain, I can write things here that I wouldn’t or can’t write in other places.

So this test will see how well this little app called Blogo works on my MacBook Pro. If it’s good, we’ll likely have more stories appear in the blog in the future.

One thought on “Blogo Test

  1. I will be interested as I would like something similar to use as an easy daily diary. Keep us posted as to ease of this app.

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