Get Lost II

While discussing the nature of Lost on GeekTyrant’s blog, I had a thought:

Christian was dead cargo during the plane crash. I don’t know exactly how a corpse-in-a-pine-box can be an authority on what was real or unreal but it seems as though people have a huge investment in the Island being a real place and the things that happened on it likewise being real and not magical, make-believe, or purgatory from the start.

What I did enjoy was in the final scene, in the stained glass window behind Dead-Dad-In-A-Box was all the religious iconography – including a spoked wheel. That for me was all I needed to see the Island as a spiritual representation. I can’t really get past the Dharma Initiative and Namaste banner on the Island, Good and Evil being alive, Immortality, Miracles… for me it’s more likely that the Island is a dream-state-place rather than a real place. I also can’t get past the symmetry in Jack’s existence. He ‘woke up’ after the plane crash in the same exact place and pose that he laid down to finally die in. Did he ever really ‘wake up’ or was the past six years all about Jack and his trip through Purgatory? Were the other people on the plane real characters or just aspects that Jack needed to plug into his dying hallucination in a last-ditch bid for redemption?

Thanks to the writers, we’ll never ever really know. I find it an utter shame that Michael and Walt can’t get into heaven with the rest of the Lost. 😉

So that begs the question. Is LOST just the ramblings of a dying single mind? Six years of drama, characterization, development, scenes, meta, plot, myth… all of it just the flickering and guttering spark of Jack’s soul right before he dies on the Island? All the characters based on people he died with, that he saw on the plane, all just playing out Jack’s trip through Purgatory? Nobody else needed to actually be in Purgatory, it could have been Jack, all this time. Jack and Kate then would have been Jack just talking to himself. Jack and Christian, just Jack talking to himself. Just a big imaginary trip trying to seek redemption… Cuse and Lindelof perpetrating a six-year whammy on their loyal fans?

As I said on Twitter, it’s obvious to me that Jack is a Cylon. 🙂

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