Marine Survives Two Tours in Iraq, SWAT Kills Him – Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Marine Survives Two Tours in Iraq, SWAT Kills Him – Hit & Run : Reason Magazine.

He was safer facing IED’s and Terrorists than coming home. This story just boggles my mind. The Sheriff’s Department and SWAT team fired 71 bullets, killed a veteran, detained paramedics and destroyed a family. All of this in Arizona.

So how exactly are we supposed to feel about all of this? God bless the USA? Really? Honestly? Do you feel safer as a citizen to know that a “Soldier/Hero” gets technically turned into human hamburger in front of his family? The police in this case are really quite honestly out of control. How do you punish such a transgression? It’s a crime, at least you’ve got manslaughter here, you’ve also got quite a few violations of the Bill of Rights, 4th Amendment, and by the severity of the action I’d say it pushes the buttons of Posse Comitatus. The SWAT team operated more like a military unit under siege than POLICE who are supposed to “Protect and Serve”. After reading this article I don’t feel safer, in fact, I feel revolted. I also feel slightly terrorized that something like this can happen in our country. It’s one of the many things that happen that make me want to grab people by their shoulders and shake them very hard, hoping to wake them up from their stupor. This is not supposed to happen! This is not right! But it will most likely be swept under the rug and the monsters responsible will be slapped on the wrist and get a firm tut-tut-tut and that will be it. They’ll just go on to kill more citizens and terrorize the rest of us.

And people wonder why I despise the police. Show me a good cop and I’ll show you a blood-soaked murder-fetishisizing thug.

One thought on “Marine Survives Two Tours in Iraq, SWAT Kills Him – Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

  1. They held up the paramedics on purpose. They knew they fucked up, and they intentionally let him die so that he would not be around to testify against them as there were no other immediate witnesses.

    While I am certain the legal system will protect and exonerate the SWAT officers involved in this shooting of an innocent military veteran, husband and father, I am also fairly confident that justice will still find its way to these worthless beings that call themselves humans.

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