
WordPress just released the ability for me to publicize my blog posts on Tumblr, so this post should end up being linked to Twitter, Facebook, and now Tumblr.

As I do almost all of my blogging on WordPress, this is a good thing. I notice that the different services shine all a little differently. I don’t get any replies on Twitter about my posts, Facebook may earn a comment or a Like, and since I manually haul out to G+, that is its own ball of wax.

Speaking of G+, one thing I have noticed is that people get very bent out of shape when I post a password protected WordPress post to that service, way more than any other service by far. I think it’s because people have taken the art of engagement very seriously over in G+, since it’s not really going to unseat Facebook when it comes to uniq’s. People just don’t seem to understand why, at least on G+, what hides behind those protected posts. I protect them because I have to prevent a certain audience from gaining access to what I write in those posts. There are some people I just can’t trust with ‘the whole truth and nothing but the truth’ so I have to make the posts protected after a fashion. It’s something I never expected that I would have to blog about, but if I do, then the people who throw fits hopefully will read it and understand that their concern is misplaced. The protected posts really aren’t that interesting for regular folken, they are written for a different audience. Close friends and family pretty much, so not being able to see the protected posts really shouldn’t upset you – you aren’t missing anything.

So, it’ll be interesting to see what comes of this whole sharing to Tumblr thing. Frankly my tumblr doesn’t get much traffic or followers. We’ll see.

And for those who continue to read the tripe that I write, I thank you. I promise poor quality and rambling on in the future. Gotta keep up my standards. 🙂

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