PAD 3/19/2013 – Menagerie

Do you have animals in your life? If yes, what do they mean to you? If no, why have you opted not to?

I have two felines as part of my family that I consider to be on-par with having a child, which I will never have. There are two of them, two boys. The oldest is a nearly purebred Abyssinian and the other is a purebreed Ocicat. They are both furry bundles of love and there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for them. Thankfully mostly I serve as a handy lap and a petting machine, but I enjoy it as much as they do so it works out for the best.

I couldn’t imagine life without some sort of animal companion. Animals provide complete unconditional love and there is no cleverness, no crafting, no hidden agendas with animals. They love you completely and unreservedly. In a lot of ways I actually prefer the companionship of animals to that of people, not in every case of course, but in general animals are better people than people are people.

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