Subdirectories, Apache, and ActivityPub

I have this terrible feeling that I may have fixed my ActivityPub issue. I was able to find this blog from my Mastodon account and follow it. If it continues to function, that’ll be the next unexpectedly pleasant surprise.

Turns out, my blog lives in a subdirectory. The plugin flavor text, at the shallow end of the pool makes absolutely no mention of blogs living in subdirectories. It took a Github issue that ended up being one of maybe six that I ended up checking out. Here’s the page that won the day:

And the most important part was the blind axe-throw at .htaccess from the root of my hosting account, to cajole Apache into behaving differently than was intended. Here’s the missing bit:

“RedirectMatch “^/.well-known/(webfinger|nodeinfo|x-nodeinfo2)(.*)$” /blog/.well-known/$1$2″ – without the quotes around it, and replacing “blog” with your subdirectory.

After that was done and saved, went back to, search, and put in the term @admin and poof! There it is! It found it, I could follow it. Suddenly feeling very strange because I had given up on ActivityPub completely. Apparently it works. Huh.

Well, I say that it works. This post might show up on my Home feed in, if all the trained hamsters aren’t smoking meth, I guess. LOL. Only one way to find out… and hit that publish button!

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