Something new, something borrowed, something blue

Just in case anyone got excited, it’s nothing to do with weddings. Instead I’m trying out some new, some would say old technology again. When it comes to Internet browsers I’m a fickle sprite. Flitting from Firefox, where I was a fanboy for a good number of years, through a Safari phase, and now I’ve ended up using Chrome. Each browser has had it’s charms and reasons for me to use them. I’ve pretty much written off Firefox because it never seems to operate as well as it used to, it feels like I’m constantly having to Force Quit the application and dump the profiles just to make it return to function. I left Safari because it took forever to start, and for some unexplained reason would no longer display HTML5 rendered YouTube data properly. I switched to Chrome and things are looking better! Sites are working now, especially HTML5 on YouTube and the browser starts much faster and has a snappier response time. Like anything else, we’ll see how long this lasts, as I said, I’m fickle.

Another application that has drawn my interest is Twitteriffic. Again this isn’t anything really new, but they recently updated the application to provide a supremely compelling new feature, Timeline Sync. With this feature I can read my twitter stream on multiple devices and the last-read-tweet is marked for me and saved. On my iMac, my MacBook, my iPhone, and my iPad this feature is absolutely INVALUABLE. It’s something very small, but in the end means a lot, especially when following a lot of twitter streams that sometimes can blow-up with activity.

I’ll write again once I have more experience with both, I’m sure along the way I’ll have gripes. 🙂