An Open Letter to State Senator Tonya Schuitmaker

State Sen. Tonya Schuitmaker votes for bill to exempt Michigan-made guns from federal regulations |

Dear State Senator Schuitmaker,

I read the article above and I understand the political drive that stands behind your decision to pursue this action but as a concerned citizen of Kalamazoo Michigan I beg you to reconsider your actions. Regulating guns is actually part of the directive from the Second Amendment, an amendment that I know you hold very near and dear to your heart. The text of it contains this phrase “A well-regulated militia” and so, in that context we both can agree.  The state has a well-regulated militia, represented primarily by the National Guard, and all the state, county, town, and township Police. What makes Michigan-made guns so special? Do you think that somehow exempting Michigan from these regulations, which you know would never work anyways, would somehow bring jobs, money, or praise to our beleaguered state? The answer Senator is not more guns, but well-regulated militias. Well regulated militias with well-regulated guns.

Let us put talk about politics aside just briefly and discuss what I am really getting at here. How many people must be killed before guns lose their allure to you? How many perforated children must lie dead at your feet for you to consider that perhaps stricter controls on guns, and yes, gun manufacturing may be a good idea? I and the rest of the citizenry would really quite like to know. If you have not seen the news recently we have two epidemics sweeping the land. One is influenza, and the other is gun crimes. While there is little to nothing that a legislator can do about influenza, you can do something about access to guns for these criminals. Let us speak plainly here, people are broken. Your citizenry are sick. Many people have untreated and undiagnosed mental disorders which interfere with rational cognition yet these people have no problem acquiring guns and ammunition and killing other people. These are criminals, and the law does not prevent them from accessing guns.

The classic republican design for guns is rooted not in lawful behavior but actually in mutually assured destruction. Republicans would quite enjoy it if every person was armed, because then the notion of gun violence, in the republican way of thinking, would evaporate. This design may work and I admit there may be something to it worth at least thinking about, but there is one problem to this design. Some citizens are mentally ill. Would you hand a mentally ill person a weapon and expect them to rationally consider mutually assured destruction? What if they are plagued by voices or have rage control problems? What does the republican model say in that situation? It devolves into a mexican standoff, moments before a blood bath. The Republican Party has a choice. You can go either way forward from the fork of gun control or addressing the mental health crisis in America. You can’t have it both ways. Either everyone gets guns and the mentally ill are cared for or there are strict gun controls and the mentally ill are left as they are.

So, Senator Schuitmaker, as a concerned voter in Kalamazoo I ask that you please reconsider this position. You can think of any part of your constituency when you make these decisions. The potential victims, men, women, and children and the various mentally ill people who mingle amongst us. We don’t ask for gun bans, but we do ask for gun regulations and I am willing to trade damaging the economics of gun manufacturers in this state so that we do not have to endure any more headlines about a field of dead children.

Barnes & Nobles Surprising New Look

Earlier tonight Scott, Craig, and I took a trip down to Scott’s Barnes & Nobles so he could get something he put on hold. While we were there he showed off all the hubbub regarding the changeover and the new stock and layout for his store. I have to admit that I was very pleasantly surprised by what I saw!

The new changeover made room for many new rows of games, as well as a really impressive new section devoted to education. There were many really awesome and very affordable surprises laying in wait for me amongst these aisles. Chemistry sets, Lego, and even working mechanical learning sets were arranged in a very smart way. As you progress through the aisles you see how it goes from items for teenagers down to grade school age kids and then all the way to toddlers and infants. There is literally an educational game, toy, or kit for every age and many pursuits. I found myself loving being there, looking at all the things arrayed on the walls, thinking “If FAO Shwartz was purely for education, this would be it.” The arrangement of the aisles and all the new things that B&N is carrying now is absolutely stunning.

If you have kids, or know someone who has kids, you owe it to yourself to pay the B&N in Portage, MI a visit. The most expensive kits are $20-$30 and look awesome and quite fun to try out. I myself saw a cute Triops Kit for $14! B&N is planning a special unveiling to the local educators this coming Saturday but I think that all the parents and all the people who care about education in my friends circle and who may read this post really should swallow your irritation and drive down Westnedge Ave and get to the B&N in Portage and see for yourselves all the new things that B&N is carrying. If I had a spare $100 there are many kits I would love to play with, and I’m an old fuddy-duddy! I have to really congratulate Scott as he’s responsible for a lot of the design and organization of the sections and he did a truly masterful job of it, everything is ordered with care and it’s such a wonderful feeling thing. The most charming things that B&N now carries is this series of stuffed animals that serve as security objects / sleep facilitators for very young children. A soft little sheep that has a smooth plastic insert that plays ocean sounds or running water sounds, just like Scott’s noisemaker that helps him sleep at night, seeing them in their clear plastic boxes kind of makes you go “Awwwww” and smile softly. If you are facing a young child’s birthday without anything, you have to go to B&N, you will find something there.

The only thing I was surprised they didn’t have were Radiometers and Gyroscopes, but compared to the depth and breadth of what they do offer, their absence is easily overlooked. If I can put aside a little bit of money I have my eyes on a few games that I’d love to get for entertainment around here, as well as the “Hydrogen-Powered Car” kit and the Triops Kit, a cheap way to give something like the delightful ecosphere another shot without the huge expense.