Jindal Says He Won’t Implement Obamacare – ABC News

Jindal Says He Won’t Implement Obamacare – ABC News.

The Governor of Louisiana has effectively declared that he is going to defy the Union!

That’s fine. Louisiana has really just declared their full intent to be considered in rebellion against the Union and this amounts to secession. The last time we saw this particular bluster it was 1861 and South Carolina.

So all that is old is new again. If Jindal is serious, he is going to take his state into open rebellion and this will initiate the Second Great American Civil War. This is such an outrage! To throw away the Union because you don’t want your poorest citizens to have health insurance coverage! It boggles the mind!

So, what is to be done? If Louisiana is in open rebellion it is time to establish a new border for the remaining states, establish trade tariffs, discontinue all federal services to the rebellious state of Louisiana, place barricades on their Interstates, militarize the border and eventually occupy the state, depose it’s state government and force it to submit to the will of the Union.

The last time states were in open rebellion the North burned Richmond Virginia to the ground to simply prove a point.

So, Governor Jindal, are you sure you want to do this? Are you sure you want to take your entire state down this path? Your political bluster HAS CONSEQUENCES Governor!

My advice to you and the people of Louisiana, tread very carefully. Very carefully. You are being watched and evaluated.