Throwing My Shoes

Watching local news on Fox affiliate. I started getting grumpy and all agitated and yelling at the TV. Then I realized that watching local news is bad for me. Nothing good ever is revealed. Murders, rapes, shootings, all heavy drama or heavy scandal. I, as a rule, don’t watch this crap and when I do see it I am reminded just how toxic it is. The news is not good for you. What will knowing do for you? What benefits come in the countless sad revelations that are shamelessly paraded out for public consumption?

So, time to seek out something else. Anything but the worthless toxic news. News of what? A world slowly winding down. A world rotten and full of seams. Seek out sunnier skies, even if you don’t know what’s just down the road a pace, in the next city or even across town.

Sometimes it’s better to not know. Live in blessed ignorance. In the end each of us must answer the question “What good does this represent in my life?” and if you can’t figure out an answer, perhaps there is a lesson there.

News is Depressing

One of my friends on Twitter expressed their physical disgust whenever they encountered “News”. I advised them to just stop looking at it.


What good can come of consuming “News”? Horrible stupid incompetent idiots who are bumbling around with the world in their hands and they have butterfingers! Nearly everything in the 24 hour news cycle is negative or upsetting in one fashion or another. Most of it doesn’t really directly affect any of us in any meaningful way other than to make us sad, depressed, upset, or disgusted. I have stopped watching the 24-hour news cycle shows and now get most of my news-a-tainment from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and even that I pick and choose what I watch and what I just toss out.

If something in your life just makes you angry and upset, what’s the value in it? The world will continue, or not, whether you are aware of it, or not. Is knowing about what is going on really that important to you? Ignorance is bliss, so why not choose ignorance? In the end it’s far better for your mental and physical health. If you absolutely MUST touch this toxic stew of suffering, at least filter it through your preferred satirist. Laughing about the horrible is far better than enduring the horrible all by yourself, without the laughter.