Halloween 2011

By sunset tonight Samhain (Halloween) will be over. We had about ten people, including us for a little shy of a week. As usual, we have way too much food left over and most of it will have to be frozen. We watched a lot of movies, a lot of old standbys like The Fog and The Thing, including John Carpenter’s Halloween. Everyone was wonderful and we really enjoyed hosting this year and while I was afraid I would incur more debt for the party than I intended it turned out that the door fee that I established hit the mark almost perfectly so it worked out for the best.

We have so much left over food that we won’t need to buy any food for probably the next two or three weeks! That fact will also help pay off all the little extras that will be running up after the party. Mostly the incidental stuff like bathroom supplies took a hit.

Next year Halloween will be on a Wednesday, so I figure we’ll pull a M-F holiday and next year I’m thinking about setting up a few fog-making machines, maybe a strobe, get a scary-sounds CD to play and see how many neighbor children brave the foggy shimmering hazard to get the candy. 🙂 We’ll see.

We’d like to thank everyone who came to celebrate this holiday with us and hope to see them next year as well. After this, we’ve got Thanksgiving and then Christmas. I can’t believe that 2011 is almost over, it boggles.