C2E2 Convention

The time is right again, the stars are in alignment and the Great Lake has receded to reveal the Convention Center of the Old Ones, the Display Space of the Insane Damned, McCormick Place in Chicago Illinois! Tentacle monsters, inexplicable seaweed tresses, and the definite sense that maybe Jim Butcher used the entire building as inspiration for the Harry Dresden stories.

We have purchased snack foods and purified water supplies. Healthy snacks with an eye to fiber and protein that we can carry with us on our travels without having to purchase an $8 cuppa coffee or a $17 hot dog or a $25 dollar slice of microwaved pizza. We can sit down and enjoy our snacks in the places reserved for buying patrons and enjoy when frustrated concessioners make their precious frowny faces at us as we enjoy our own treats.

I probably have enough for a two week adventure, and that’s okay. It’s all shelf stable and not going anywhere, and it’s all good for me anyhow, so I can drag anything to work and use it to battle low blood sugar hangries.

The cat sitter is set. I have to get a few more cans of food for Ysy, that’s tomorrow during lunch. Then we will be off for a cavalcade of sitting and watching and enjoying as geeks, dorks, and nerds celebrate pop culture, comic books, and social and economic planetary domination over the uninteresting residuals of the species.

We’re all judging you. With our little plastic wrapped booklets of artwork and our little trollies full of collectibles worth more than your entire educational experiences combined. Then we’ll store all of it in perfectly airless preservation solutions until we remember much later that we have any of it and how much is stacked up…?

And we will laugh, privately, and amusingly while the residuals go out to buy diapers and formula.