Rhum Barbancourt

Rhum Barbancourt

So today we’re trying a new rum. This one is in the French style from Haiti. It’s Rhum Barbancourt, aged eight years. It definitely is different from the English style found in Trinidad that was obvious on the first sip. While the Trinidadian rum had a hot lead and then quickly mellowed to feature an extended flavor profile post-palate this Haitian rum, in comparison resembles most closely Cognac.

I quite enjoy Cognac so this will be perfectly acceptable. Now that I’ve tried two different rums, I can clearly say that the English style so far has my preference. Perhaps there will be some new notes I can pull out of this Haitian rum, but so far it’s pretty much wrapped in a kind of straightforward Cognac simplicity.

My selection of rums was pretty much a coin toss. It was either going to be this one or one from the Dominican Republic. It’s a learning process, so I’m not going to weep over a rum that isn’t exactly knocking my socks off.

After I perused the label a little bit longer, I discovered to my chagrin that this rum is 86 proof, while the Trinidadian one was a standard 80. That increase in alcohol is definitely a major factor in the taste of this liquor.