Memory Lane

It’s always a surprise what my dreams will bring to me in the night. Tonight’s fare? A trip down memory lane. I was back in college, back at SUNY Buffalo. Walking into my dorm, Clement Hall, on the venerable South Campus. There was the usual warping of memory, some details were utterly wrong but the sense of the place was intact. Lots of memory was dredged up for this dream. Waking up carried little threads back to those memories and I woke up smiling. My time in college was probably the most wonderful, frightening, and liberating thing I’ve ever experienced.

This must be how alumni get those dents in their memories. Dreams bring them a highlight reel to enjoy and then only those memories of the good times get reinforced. You forget about all the goofy awkward junk as it fades and in time you get this antiquing patina on the best of the best of what you remember. I bet in time most alums get around to idealizing what memories remain, deny the awkward stuff and that is why when you recall college you get all warm and fluffy about it. None of the negative, all of the positive.

And this has a sidelight to a greater commentary on memory in general. Taking a trip to Lethe before you get to Styx. There is a blessing, perhaps it’s just that we elect to have it this way, that we are given things like this and go with them. Naturally allowing your memory to fade, recalling the good things, denying (nay eroding) the bad memories and then idealizing the entire structure. A life remembered of only the happiest things. Memories are the context for your present. Perhaps this is one of those keys, brought by dreams, that bears including in a wider discussion on how best to pursue happiness. Not only to live in the present and not be cynical and negative, but also to actively prune the bonsai tree of your memory and trim away the unpleasant memories until all that’s left is a highlight reel of your favorite and most cherished recollections.


The Wheel Of Time dreams have begun. Being hunted, chased, traps, unseen plots and most delightfully a new series of dreams where bad personal assistants are beheaded, heads wrapped in aluminum foil and then sectioned up using a breathtakingly sharp cleaver while the big bad, apparently played by a middle aged Adrienne Barbeau, dressed in a white silk blouse and white pants reclines in a simple chair, holding a fork and picking at the freshly sectioned decapitated head. All the while calmly, almost thoughtlessly menacing the hapless next personal assistant as they sit across the table and witness the spectacle unfold. It’s creepiness amplified by the context of humdrum boredom at eating a sectioned decapitated human head wrapped in foil. Like it was a half-forgotten ham shank that you found in the fridge and nearly forgot all about.

Yeah, bits of WOT, bits of the Dresden series and some classic horror movies, but this stuff is way more disturbing. Thankfully for these sorts of dreams I am more like an audience than a participant, so there really isn’t a nightmarish quality to any of this.

Yippity do dah, yippity yay!