WordPress Jetpack 2.2.1 Success

SparklerAt least JetPack for WordPress 2.2.1 upgraded without any fanfare. Everything still works too! For the blogs that I manage that had it, it’s updated. Wheee!

P.S. If anyone would like their own blog on our domain just let me know. I can set it up for you lickety-split and even manage it for you if you like. For free. Yes-suh. 🙂

photo by: letavua

Jetpack Failure

I recently upgraded my installation of Jetpack for WordPress.org on my blog here and right after I did that the damn thing stopped working. Verison 2.2 with WordPress 3.5.1. Everything should be 5×5 but it isn’t. I’ve contacted Jetpack support and I’m waiting to hear from them what my next steps should be but I figured it made sense to blog about this since it touches on WordPress and well, here we are.

The first thing I did was disconnect my Jetpack from WordPress.com, that went very easy. Then I tried to re-engage with WordPress.com and got an SSL timeout error. I then went onto Google and found a bunch of others who were having this problem. After I engaged with the Jetpack support people they asked me to run the a href=http://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/jetpack/branches/jetpack-compatibility-test.zip target=_blankJetpack Compatibility Test plugin/a. I did that, it generated content and I sent it off for analysis.

So I don’t have Jetpack running and I leaned back and wondered if things would be so bad without it. I mean, if an update breaks it perhaps it’s not meant to be used. So, if there is a solution, that’s fine and dandy, and if there isn’t, living without Jetpack is also fine and dandy.

I’ll be updating this post with new details as they unfold. What’s really irking is Jetpack worked for a long long time up until the last update, then poof.

strongUPDATE/strong: I tried to connect to WordPress on a lark and it worked. So, if the Jetpack support fellows did something, then thank you guys for your help!

**UPDATE 2**: Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, the post-by-email bit of Jetpack doesn’t seem to like me. Sent several messages and nothing posted to the blog. Perhaps a sneaky firewall issue, or gnomes. 😉