PAD 2/24/2013 – Buffalo Nickel

Dig through your couch cushions, your purse, or the floor of your car and look at the year printed on the first coin you find. What were you doing that year?

I found a twonie, which is to say a Canadian $2 coin. The date is 1996 and that year I turned 21. I was in the middle of my college years and I was finally legal enough in the United States to drink. I had already been cultivating a simmering alcoholism since I was 18 and legal in Ontario Canada just across the Niagara River from where I went to school in Buffalo, New York. I don’t have any log entries from 1996, but I do have memories. Mostly of college and all my friends that I had there. I was just starting to explore my life. Beyond high school, beyond family, college if nothing else gave me the time and space to see what I was going to become. I had already been friends with Jeffery since a few weeks after arriving at school, it’s funny but this year would be the tipping point where it could be said that he’s known me more than half of my life up to this point. As for that year, President Clinton was in office and we were occupied with blue dresses, whitewater, but for every bit of embarrassment he brought with him, he also left us with a budget surplus, the last time we saw something like that. Funny, but it was also during this time that I also let myself go, college led to stress eating and I gained a lot of weight. Now that I’m on this side of my heaviest and when it all began, which is during this time, it seems so tiny, so much water under the bridge – but there it is. I just wish I was journaling more and had entries that went back further. I suppose I should be glad that I started when I did, so at least I have something to turn back to and read when I grow old and decrepit.

Twitter / CHRISMAL0NEY: A word of advice to @BarackObama: …

Twitter / CHRISMAL0NEY: A word of advice to @BarackObama: ….

The picture attached to this tweet was in my Instapaper queue and I got a chance to look at it. As I saw the picture I noticed something really quite entertaining. The text of the tweet takes the President to task for misspelling Ohio. If you look at the way the four people, with the President in position 3 are standing, each one of them is making a physical gesture which is supposed to show a letter of the alphabet, to spell out Ohio; Each of them are in the correct placement if you read from right to left:


It is because the cameraman is standing opposite them and nobody was spending any time thinking about a 180 degree rotation of the horizontal plane. So, beyond what amounts to being a gaffe of position, the order is correct.


Reagan’s 100th

Poring over the morning news I ran across a news entry that spoke about Reagan’s 100th Birthday. Much like how a very strong odor can key on a memory and bring a flood of remembered things back into your mind, so did this. I grew up with Ronald Reagan as President. I remember the Cold War with the USSR and I remember “Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall!” speech that Ronald Reagan gave.

This man has accumulated a halo around him that places him just beneath the Holy Trinity itself for Christian conservatives. The memory of this man and his presidency bring many overheard arguments between my parents as I started to learn that when two people are dedicated to polar opposites, that the law of attraction is mostly relevant for magnets. I don’t think anyone really regards the man, Ronald Reagan any longer. Death has transformed him from a person to a canvas, it has sucked out his 3rd dimension and converted him into a handy surface that anyone can use to their heart’s content. The man is dead, how could he complain at how his memory is treated?

Conservatives pray to him. They read what he wrote, what he said, and what he stood for as slightly less important than the New Testament in the Bible, but way more important than anything else. His political life has been transformed into a conservative ideal, and if you fashion a hand grenade of Reagan’ness and pull the pin and lob it into a GOP gathering they all will turn to the light and get very quiet and pray to the Reagan-y-Explody-Goodness. The fascination they have borders on the fanatical, there are terms for what they are afflicted with – you could call it hero-worship, enthrallment to the cult of personality, a whole host of things. For a segment of our political spectrum Ronald Reagan is the second coming of Jesus Christ. I’m surprised they haven’t tried to force the hand of the church and have him sainted.

Now, for the Liberals, Ronald Reagan is something just as precious, but completely opposite. He’s a flame-eyed monster bent on world domination and more shifty criminal acts than you can shake a stick at. Liberals remember the Contras and Sandinistas, all the underhanded dirty tricks and the policies that brought anger and rage. Death brought Reagan to a canvas and Liberals painted that canvas with their impression of the man, casting him not in a saintly light, but one of monstrousness and epic Mordor-class evil. For the conservatives savior, he’s the Liberals bane.

If ever you want a handy guide to political polarity, simply drop Reagan’s name and watch the response. If you see a halo, wistful eyes, and te-deum’s forming then you have yourself a dyed-in-the-wool conservative. If however you notice some frothing, restlessness, agitation, and perhaps the construction of effigies that are set on fire, then you are facing a liberal.

I personally celebrate the fact that he’s very much dead and can’t form any new political opinions or wield any political power. It’s not that I sought his death, that I prayed for his untimely demise, but I did thank the Light when he did die. This is in stark contrast to the oedipal-obsessed spawn of Reagan’s Vice President. For that son-of-a-bitch (the term is apt) I will hold a very large party and feast upon his death, celebrating the worlds freedom from that unbearable monster. Reagan is just as much a monster, but his corpse in the ground tempers my anger into a kind of wistful fuzzy disgust.

So, for the 100th Anniversary of Reagan’s Birth, I mark it with this blog post, I bite my thumb and I spit on the ground. And that’s all I’m giving it.