North Carolina May Declare Official State Religion Under New Bill

"The Year of Jubilee has come! Let all the People Rejoice!" -- Kenosha (WI) Civil War Museum 2012North Carolina May Declare Official State Religion Under New Bill.

There is something absolutely magical about stories like these. They are thrumming with the excitement and promise of what the Civil War was all about. Rebel states filled with rebels convinced that States were above Union. We started this on April 12, 1861 and we concluded it on May 9th, 1865. So here is North Carolina, a previous rebellious state pushing the buttons on the Union, again.

So, what does this bill do? It ignores the deaths of 625,000 Americans who died during the Civil War all so North Carolina can whine petulantly and act out.

There has always been a simmering discontent between the North and the South. The war was concluded but the problem was never really resolved and you see the worm turn in stories like these. North Carolina is still a rebel state filled with rebels. Apparently LOSING THE WAR didn’t impress upon them their pecking order in things.

Not that there will be another Civil War, or at least not shaped like the last one. The next one will be polarized between liberals and conservatives. Neither side is listening so we’re eventually going to have to go to war again to resolve these issues. All anyone has to do is wait. The South will rise again, and with them, the seeds of their defeat, again. We could skip all of this fun, but since North Carolina didn’t learn their lesson the first time, perhaps we need a reprise.

photo by: Ron Cogswell