What We Already Knew About The Tea Party And ‘The Newsroom’ Finally Said Out Loud | MoveOn.Org

What We Already Knew About The Tea Party And ‘The Newsroom’ Finally Said Out Loud | MoveOn.Org.

It takes a fictional show to do more truth-telling and honest true journalism than anyone that currently is sitting before a camera mugging for the masses. It’s the media’s inaction which, above everything else, will secure the wrong leadership coming to power in the United States of America.

To all the “Journalists” out there, this actor has outdone each and every one of you. Through this fictional work, this show has effectively emasculated each and every one of you. We don’t care for you, we do not respect you, and if you want to know what the people truly want, we want you to quit your jobs and do something else. Let others who are stronger and more passionate take your place. They will do it better. It has already been done, in fiction as it should in real life. Shame on you, “journalists”.