iPhone 4 on Verizon – Delightful!

While re-reading my old Blackberry / iPhone / Droid post (which is my #1 most viewed page!) I started to chuckle at my May 10th 2010 self versus my February 16th, 2011 self. What has my experience been now that I’ve had my iPhone for a fair bit?

I am in love with this device.

Now I can fall pretty hard for a pretty face, especially when it comes to a new gadget. I categorize myself as a “use it all” kind of iPhone user, the curious geek who refuses to stop fiddling with a device until I have it just so. I don’t go as far as the GPL/FSF folks who want to take a phone and turn it into an Adirondack chair, but I do take my gadgets for pretty intense rides.

So what do I think now? Blackberry is dead. I rescued all the data I cared for out of my old Blackberry device, I wiped it clean and I removed the battery. I haven’t even looked back or even thought of it since then. I imagine in my mind’s eye, a giant crematorium where I open the giant door and start pitchforking all the useless memories and upset feelings and anger and close the door to watch it all burn to ash. I used to fantasize about annihilating my Blackberry. Now that I have my Verizon iPhone 4, I don’t really care to go back there anymore. I don’t care for Blackberry Enterprise Server, or RIM, or any of the other silly things that having a phone with a network endpoint in Canada means.

As I look out now, I respect Droid for its user base and how well it’s progressed. I’m still quite critical that certain manufacturers are keeping their customers from upgrading to the latest and greatest version of the Droid operating system in order to squeeze as much money as they can from them. I can appreciate the Droid, but I don’t espouse it’s use or recommend it to anyone I know. Most people aren’t seeking my recommendations when it comes to mobile device operating systems anyways. One small problem I have with Droid is the kill-switch that Google maintains on the devices apps and the laissez-faire style with which the Droid App Store is policed. It’s too wild and too uncontrolled for my tastes and I don’t think exposing people who aren’t interested in the hows and the whys is a very wise move. These people get it in their head to download something hazardous like a trojan horse and then the show is over.

How about the iPhone? It’s amazing. The devices display, the two cameras, all the apps! It’s kind of overwhelming. There are so many things I can do now, now that I am using a real network with a real device. I can browse the web the way I want to, not the way that my old Blackberry forced me to do. I can read my emails, including HTML emails with ease and pleasure. The network is snappy, nice and quick and about the same speed as Sprint when Sprint was in its heyday. Those days are done, by the way. This device, this iPhone does everything that Apple promises and does it exceptionally well. Everything from fit, finish, to overall quality is as I expect from Apple, beyond my wildest expectations. Of course, every cute puffy cloud does have it’s darker sides as well. There are only a few of those, and mostly it comes down to ringtones, using the iPhone on multiple machines, but beyond that, which none of them are show stoppers. Instead of wanting to throttle the Blackberry devs to death with my bare hands I just want to tousle the hair of the Apple devs who baked these oddities into their device.

Soon I will write a review sheet about all the apps I’ve gotten for my iPhone. Instead of duplicating all the apps that I reviewed already for my iPad (as there is a huge overlap) I’ll only review those apps that are unique to my iPhone and why I chose them. That’s coming up soon, keep an eye out for it if you like my reviews.

Fitting Punishments

Last night I couldn’t get the idea of punishing my Blackberry out of my mind. I was running over scenarios of destruction in my mind. How could I best bring my emotional needs to bear on this repugnant and abominable device? I thought of many things:

  • Taking the Blackberry out to the dock with our office sledgehammer and dashing it in a flurry of epithets and cussing. Screaming while I extracted a primal retribution for all the ways the device let me down and angered me.
  • Building a little bonfire and setting the piece of crap on fire. Watching it burn, drinking a very fine bottle of wine and when it’s all burned down to ash, putting it out manually.
  • Giving it a Viking Funeral, putting it on a little wooden boat and setting that on fire and pushing it off to float in a lake or pond.
  • Violent but paced deconstruction. Getting out my tools and pulling the device apart and unscrewing everything and when it’s in a neat pile, beating it with a hammer.

Then I thought about maybe having my assistant video me turning my Blackberry into a pile of slag in some of the less-personal-approaches to destroying it. Then as I laid there last night thinking about it, a part of me piped up about how if there was a video, first it would be hilarious, very Office Space of me, but it would also be rather incriminating as I would be technically destroying a workplace device.

As I continued to play scenarios through my head I started thinking about truly sadistic things I could do to this obnoxious horrible device and it hit me. It gives me a different non-destructive path to take that actually is more spiritually torturous. I have resolved to consign my Blackberry to a Velveteen Rabbit Hell. I will remove it’s battery and I will put it in a dirty disused cardboard box and I will lock it away in a locker nobody ever uses and I will forget all about it. It will stay in the box, inert, forgotten, and effectively gone from my life. Everyone wins. No video of me destroying it, no crime, nothing to upset anyone and I still get to punish it, long-term. When I do remember it I will relish its silent cardboard grave.

Moving to Verizon iPhone

So I have done it. I have sent an email to my Verizon representative, Mr. Steven Miller with a letter expressing extreme interest in transferring our mobile infrastructure away from Sprint and towards Verizon on the iPhone device. We’re going to move 5 connection cards and 17 phone lines from Sprint to Verizon.

Now I wait with bated breath for the quote! Light I’m on pins and needles! To be free of this abominable Blackberry, I hardly know what to do with myself!

2010 in review

The stats helper monkeys at WordPress.com mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health:

Healthy blog!

The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads This blog is on fire!.

Crunchy numbers

Featured image

A helper monkey made this abstract painting, inspired by your stats.

A Boeing 747-400 passenger jet can hold 416 passengers. This blog was viewed about 2,500 times in 2010. That’s about 6 full 747s.

In 2010, there were 113 new posts, not bad for the first year! There were 2 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 520kb.

The busiest day of the year was August 12th with 109 views. The most popular post that day was SmashBurger – Kalamazoo, MI.


Where did they come from?

The top referring sites in 2010 were facebook.com, twitter.com, alphainventions.com, mail.yahoo.com, and myearthgarden.com.

Some visitors came searching, mostly for blackberry vs iphone vs droid, blackberry vs droid, smashburger kalamazoo, blackberry vs droid vs iphone, and bluedepth.

Attractions in 2010

These are the posts and pages that got the most views in 2010.


SmashBurger – Kalamazoo, MI August 2010


Blackberry vs. iPhone vs. DROID May 2010
1 comment


Droid vs. iPhone September 2010


Apple iPad April 2010


Solving Comic-Con Ticketing Issue (#SDCC) November 2010

Sprint Bork

Today has been quite an annoying exploration in the vagaries of 20th Century POTS bullshit. My assistant has been on the phone for the better portion of the day with various Sprint representatives trying to get our latest Blackberry device for our new VP to work properly. The phone came with the exchange 363, which when you dial it using any regular phone line ends up in a doo-dee-tiii (computer gobbledygook sounds). Sprint claimed they couldn’t do anything about the problem, so Andy had them switch the number to a brand new one, another 363 number, and the same problem. In the end we switched an old number onto the VP’s device using the 599 exchange, oh would you look at that, damn thing works! Really what it comes down to is that we don’t want to have to dial 269-363-yadayadayada, we want to dial 363-yadayadayada. It’s not that complicated of a thing to figure out now! Of course Sprint’s response was “contact the other POTS companies and complain to them!” Really Sprint? How about YOU DO IT YOU LAZY BASTARDS! Yeah, one little teeny tinny voice is going to command Qwest or SBC Ameritech or Verizon or … to hut right to it and correct a local-exchange switching error. While we’re at it, Sprint, I’ll be sure to refine our ability to FART RAINBOWS!

So what did we learn from this interaction with Sprint? That they’d much rather ignore a POTS problem and let their customers agonize over it rather than take the !@#$ high-road and own the problem and FIX IT THEMSELVES. I suppose I do make a little tactical error here, in that Sprint apparently no longer considers itself a POTS company, no-no-no! It’s a Telecommunications Experience Synergizer. Or something.

To the rumors and all the hints and allegations that Verizon will have an iPhone in January, we say “Oh God YES!” It’s things like this that add ammunition to my professional recommendation that Sprint be fled-from as soon as possible.

Blackberry vs. iPhone vs. DROID

This is a bit of advice I wrote regarding Blackberry vs. iPhone vs. DROID…

Thanks for letting me know about what is covered during those meetings. I’d like to share with you some of the reasons why we are using Blackberry devices and not the others, yet.

WMU Development and Alumni Relations uses Blackberry devices because at the time (2007) they were the most relevant and best-featured devices at the time. Blackberry is carrier agnostic, they’ll run on anything, and the two competing systems are CDMA (Sprint and Verizon) and GSM (AT&T and T-Mobile). Blackberry also was a superior choice for corporate users because of the seamless security not only behind the scenes, where the network is edge-to-edge encrypted with AES-256, the US Federal Government standard, but also in-front of the scene. By using BES we have the capacity to manage devices over radio, so if a Blackberry is lost, we do not have to worry about sensitive information leaking out, we simply instruct the Blackberry to commit suicide, then order a new device. This really drove a lot of the Blackberry adoption, at least in the technical circles where these properties are worth quite a lot. Blackberry continues to be a ‘best-case’ device because of all the sticky technical bits that make them quite a pleasure to support. There are tradeoffs, as the devices are all business and no pleasure, they don’t have touchscreens, a panoply of apps, and they aren’t exceptionally fast with data. The competing devices, which would be iPhone and Droid are arguably the flipside of what the Blackberry is, it’s all pleasure, but very spartan when compared to Blackberry in the context of business use.

Between iPhone and Droid there is more detail that would benefit you to know. While the Apple iPhone is a tremendously attractive device (especially for someone like me) the device is locked into an arguably stunted network, AT&T. Here in Kalamazoo AT&T has been inexplicably retarded when it comes to fleshing out their 3G network capacity. A 3G network is essentially a “Fast Radio Network” which makes any device that uses it work faster than ‘2G’ or ‘Old and Slow Radio Network’. This lack of competent service in comparison to Sprint and Verizon’s 3G networks that already exist here is the principal reason why iPhones have yet to earn the mark of distinction from my office and why I have been silent about any future move off of the Blackberry infrastructure. I can argue that switching from Blackberry to iPhone at this juncture would be a stupid move, since 90% of users would do business in Kalamazoo county, ignoring Sprint and Blackberry’s 3G network for AT&T’s EDGE (their 2G network) would be akin to replacing the engine in a Camaro with a lawnmowers’. As for Droid, I cannot recommend that mobile device operating system because it has yet to establish a stable canon. Google has been working feverishly developing and extending this platform and Droid suffers for it. If we were to buy-in to Droid now, 6 months down the pike we’d be stuck with 25 devices that may or may not have an upgrade path to wherever Google takes Droid next.

What does the future hold? Blackberry and Sprint are the ‘Devil We Know’. We’re used to the rough patches and we have a well-beaten path and a contract that works for our needs. What conditions would need to happen for me to change my official recommendations? Any switch to iPhone would require AT&T to demonstrate a willingness to flesh out their 3G network in Kalamazoo county. AT&T did consume Centennial Wireless recently, so this may be coming sooner rather than later. Alternatively, if Apple reworks the iPhone to use the CDMA network, it would be useful on the Verizon network and iPhone + Verizon would make me switch us all over in the blink of an eye. So far, the legal rumblings from Apple state that there is a lovers-knot forged between AT&T and Apple in relation to the iPad. Apple needed a data provider, AT&T offered their network for the new iPad device, but the rumor states that the ‘sweetheart deal’ would only be possible if Apple kept the AT&T-only stricture on iPhone, at least until 2011. Verizon is very hungry for the iPhone, but Apple won’t budge, and everyone agrees it’s because AT&T has their hooks in Apple quite deeply. Droid, on the other hand, needs time to mature. The platform is still very young and prone to wild upset and I can’t justify us spending valuable University funds on something so prone to ‘platform-quakes’. Droid would be a valid option by 2015.

If there are any points you’d like clarification on please do not hesitate to ask.